Sow knowledge, reap development
The dimensions of the areas of business justify a strong corporate and environmental responsibility policy that combines a concern with the present with respect for the future of the company and of all those involved with it, without undermining the sustainability of resources and society in general.
The JMV Group actively helps to improve the quality of life of its customers, staff, suppliers and the community, implementing measures that can achieve this.
To Develop
The JMV Group is committed to:
- a policy of staff development, based on continuing training and on encouraging good performances.
- a concern with the safety and well-being of its staff, in order to guarantee that any duties performed and workplaces do not have an impact on their health.

To Care
The JMV Group promotes:
- interaction between the company and the local community through donations to Social Care Institutions operating in a range of fields.

To Live
he JMV Group encourages a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and physical activity as essential conditions for health and well-being through:
- the use of traffic light nutrition labelling on packaging
(inform consumers about the nutritional value of the product)
- the development of an iOS and Android application to locate venues for sports and well-being activities close to the smartphone user
- sponsorship of sports activities.

To Preserve
The JMV Group environmental sustainability policy includes:
- full compliance with and tight control of statutory quality, safety, hygiene and environmental standards. For this purpose, the company has a Quality Department that defines, implements and checks compliance with all standards.
- the efficient use of production factors (machinery, energy, raw materials, vehicle fleet) and waste disposal.</p><p>- strict separation, reuse and disposal of waste and materials (including cardboard, plastics, glass, toner, batteries, metal packaging, metals, electrical and electronic equipment, pallets, jute sacks and industrial oils).
- the JMV production facilities have a waste park – prepared for the separation, disposal and baling of waste. They have no visual impact, nor is there any external noise associated with their activity.
- full compliance with legislation on gaseous emissions, an area in which the company reports levels far below the legal limits (coffee roasting is an activity with a low environmental impact, both in terms of industrial effluents and in terms of gaseous emissions).
- a concern with the management of industrial effluents at Sociedade dos Vinhos Borges (another company in the same Group) resulting in the installation at the Lixa Production Center, in 2009, of a compact Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) with SBR (Sequential Batch Reactor) technology. This new WWTP can treat 200 m3 of effluent per day, using a more reliable, vigorous and versatile treatment system, that is not as sensitive to flow variation.
- the use of environmentally sustainable, recyclable and reusable materials (such as jute, natural cork and glass).
- care to preserve the biodiversity of its own Estates, preserving their terraces, ancient meadows and small thickets and maintaining natural watercourses.
- in its vineyards, a concern to minimise the use of water (through the use of sprayers equipped with anti-drip devices); a reduction in the use of residual herbicides; and the replacement of synthetic fertilisers by soil improvers.
- a reduced Ecological Footprint - as a result of its efficient use of production factors; of the policy aimed at the separation, reuse and disposal of waste and materials; and of the low environmental impact in terms of industrial effluents and gaseous emissions.

To Improve
The JMV Group encourages:
- the involvement of Teaching Establishments, welcoming visits, providing information for study projects, and accepting trainees on work experience, among other activities. In addition, the JMV Group rewards the best academic studies relevant to its areas of business: the production and distribution de coffee and wine (

To Develop
The JMV Group is committed to:
- a policy of staff development, based on continuing training and on encouraging good performances.
- a concern with the safety and well-being of its staff, in order to guarantee that any duties performed and workplaces do not have an impact on their health.

To Care
The JMV Group promotes:
- interaction between the company and the local community through donations to Social Care Institutions operating in a range of fields.

To Live
he JMV Group encourages a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and physical activity as essential conditions for health and well-being through:
- the use of traffic light nutrition labelling on packaging
(inform consumers about the nutritional value of the product)
- the development of an iOS and Android application to locate venues for sports and well-being activities close to the smartphone user
- sponsorship of sports activities.

To Preserve
The JMV Group environmental sustainability policy includes:
- full compliance with and tight control of statutory quality, safety, hygiene and environmental standards. For this purpose, the company has a Quality Department that defines, implements and checks compliance with all standards.
- the efficient use of production factors (machinery, energy, raw materials, vehicle fleet) and waste disposal.</p><p>- strict separation, reuse and disposal of waste and materials (including cardboard, plastics, glass, toner, batteries, metal packaging, metals, electrical and electronic equipment, pallets, jute sacks and industrial oils).
- the JMV production facilities have a waste park – prepared for the separation, disposal and baling of waste. They have no visual impact, nor is there any external noise associated with their activity.
- full compliance with legislation on gaseous emissions, an area in which the company reports levels far below the legal limits (coffee roasting is an activity with a low environmental impact, both in terms of industrial effluents and in terms of gaseous emissions).
- a concern with the management of industrial effluents at Sociedade dos Vinhos Borges (another company in the same Group) resulting in the installation at the Lixa Production Center, in 2009, of a compact Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) with SBR (Sequential Batch Reactor) technology. This new WWTP can treat 200 m3 of effluent per day, using a more reliable, vigorous and versatile treatment system, that is not as sensitive to flow variation.
- the use of environmentally sustainable, recyclable and reusable materials (such as jute, natural cork and glass).
- care to preserve the biodiversity of its own Estates, preserving their terraces, ancient meadows and small thickets and maintaining natural watercourses.
- in its vineyards, a concern to minimise the use of water (through the use of sprayers equipped with anti-drip devices); a reduction in the use of residual herbicides; and the replacement of synthetic fertilisers by soil improvers.
- a reduced Ecological Footprint - as a result of its efficient use of production factors; of the policy aimed at the separation, reuse and disposal of waste and materials; and of the low environmental impact in terms of industrial effluents and gaseous emissions.

To Improve
The JMV Group encourages:
- the involvement of Teaching Establishments, welcoming visits, providing information for study projects, and accepting trainees on work experience, among other activities. In addition, the JMV Group rewards the best academic studies relevant to its areas of business: the production and distribution de coffee and wine (